I offer half day and full day workshops on aspects of gender-based violence which can be tailored to meet the needs of your group or organisation. Workshops can be delivered in person or online. Maximum number attending each workshop will be 25.
Online seminars or webinars can also be delivered with no maximum attendance.
For further information about seminars, webinars and workshop programme and cost, please contact me.
Half Day Workshop
Will generally run: Morning: 9.00 am – 12.30 pm (your local time)
Afternoon: 1.00 pm – 4.30 pm (your local time)
Twilight/Evening: 5.00 pm – 8.30 pm (your local time)
Introduction to Trauma
A short introductory session with a focus on defining trauma, understanding the short, and long term, impact of trauma and the prevalence of trauma across the population. Additional reading is provided.
Introduction to Domestic Abuse
An introduction to domestic abuse, how it is defined, the causes of domestic abuse and the ways in which domestic abuse manifests itself. This half day also looks at some of the myths and misunderstandings around domestic abuse. Additional reading is provided.
Introduction to Rape and Sexual Assault
Defining rape and sexual assault, challenging the myths of sexual violence, abuse and exploitation, understanding the prevalence of rape and sexual assault and the spectrum of sexual violence that can result in severe trauma responses. Additional reading is provided.
Introduction to the Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on the Lives of Survivors
Defining childhood sexual abuse, the prevalence of abuse across the population, vulnerable groups and the short, and long term, impact of childhood sexual abuse on the lives of survivors. Additional reading is provided.
Introduction to First Disclosure of Rape or Sexual Assault
For anyone in a position where they may get a first disclosure of rape or sexual assault. Understanding some of the myths, understanding the role of the first responder, the importance of the initial response. Additional reading is provided.
Understanding Vicarious Trauma
For workers/volunteers who may be working with survivors of any kind of trauma. This half day explores vicarious trauma, how it can be identified and how a self-care plan can be put in place. Additional reading is provided.
One Day Workshop
Will generally run 9.00 am – 4.00 pm (your local time)
Understanding Trauma and the Brain
Exploring how the brain and body work together at the point of trauma and how this impacts short, and long term, memory; the links between trauma and poor physical and mental health outcomes, and how short-term adaptive coping strategies can become maladaptive and health/life threatening. Additional reading is provided.
Understanding the Impact of Domestic Abuse on the Lives of Survivors
Exploring different aspects of domestic abuse including coercive and controlling behaviour and intimate partner sexual violence; the impact of domestic abuse on children; society’s paradoxical views on domestic abuse – abhorring the act yet blaming the victim – and how this silences survivors; discussion on Biderman’s Chart of Coercion and why women stay with their abusers; understanding traumatic bonding. Additional reading is provided.
Understanding the Impact of Rape or Sexual Assault on the Lives of Survivors
Exploring the trauma of rape and sexual assault, how society views the rape survivor, cultural issues around sexual violence, Rape Trauma Syndrome, short, and long term, responses including panic attacks, flashbacks and physical symptoms experienced by survivors. This workshop will also discuss the high levels of under-reporting of sexual offences, the small number of reports that lead to prosecution and the very small number of prosecutions that lead to conviction. Additional reading is provided.
Understanding the Long-Term Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Exploring the long-term impact of childhood sexual abuse on the lives of adult survivors; the impact on physical and mental health; discussion on childhood sexual abuse continuing into adulthood and the power of grooming; self-blame, shame, and guilt; exploring the mindset of the abuser; understanding traumatic sexualisation and risk-taking behaviour; exploring self-harming behaviours and suicidality. Additional reading is provided.
Rape and Sexual Assault First Responder Workshop
This workshop explores the role of the first responder and will be tailored to meet the needs of each individual workplace, that organisation’s policies and procedures and its safeguarding process.
Understanding Self Harm as a Coping Strategy for Survivors of Sexual Abuse
Defining self-harming behaviour; understanding the breadth of self-harm, its purpose and why it works for the trauma survivor. How self-harm can change from adaptive to maladaptive and the long-term impact on the physical and mental health of the survivor. This workshop also looks at ways of working with survivors who self-harm to avoid further blame, shame and guilt, while maintaining strict safety boundaries. Additional reading is provided.